vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials
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To pass VMware 2V0-602 exam,CertTree can enormously help you.CertTree provides you with the latest and most accurate vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials. It is so helpful for you to prepare this high qualified exam. Whereas other online distributors only concern themselves with helping you obtain the paper, CertTree strives to educate the certification candidate and better prepare them for their IT career.
Share some VCP6.5-DCV 2V0-602 exam questions and answers below.
A vSphere Administrator notices that they cannot login to vCenter Server with the vSphere Web Client, although the server is responding to pings. What is the next step in troubleshooting the login problem?
A. /etc/int.d/hostd restart
B. connect-viserver -server
C. vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
D. service-control status vmware-vpxd
Answer: B
Which two options are available when migrating a powered off VM and relocating the attached disks? (Choose two.)
A. Thick Provision Eager Zeroed
B. Raw Device Mapping Physical Compatibility
C. Same format as source
D. Raw Device Mapping Virtual compatibility
Answer: AC
Which three features can be configured during the Initial creation of a cluster? (Choose three.)
A. Proactive HA
Answer: BCD
Some of the VMs in a vSphere DRS duster are not migrated as expected. Which three factors can affect DRS behavior? (Choose three.)
A. The currently configured TPS settings for the VMs.
B. VM Overrides
C. DRS Aggression Levels (Migration Threshold).
D. CPU, Memory, and Network Utilization.
E. The currently configured Enhanced vMotion Compatibility level for the duster.
Answer: BCD
A vSphere Administrator recently upgraded to vSphere 6.5 and wants to assign more than 4 TB of RAM to the virtual machine. What must happen first?
A. Make sure that the user account has administrative privileges at a global level.
B. Upgrade the Virtual Machine compatibility to version 13.
C. Obtain an ESXi server with an Intel Skylake CPU.
D. Make sure that there are no snapshots present on the virtual machine.
Answer: A
Which two choices would make a Virtual Machine compatible when enabling Fault Tolerance? (Choose two.)
A. e1000e virtual network adapter
C. A Virtual CPUs (vCPU)
D. NIC passthrough
Answer: AD
Which of the following are valid ISCSI adapter types for vSphere? (Choose three.)
A. Software
B. Independent Hardware
C. Converged Network Adapter
D. Dependent Hardware
Answer: ABD
The Triggered Alarm on the VM shows Virtual Machine Consolidation needed status. How would an administrator recover from this event?
A. This must be done from the command line.
B. The only possible method is to clone the VM.
C. In the vSphere WebCllent, open Snapshot Manager of the VM and then use the Delete all button
D. In the vSphere WebCllent select VM, right-click > Snapshots > Consolidate.
Answer: A
What three shares are available when configuring a Resource Pool? (Choose three.)
A. Custom
B. low
C. Maximum
D. Normal
E. None
Answer: BCD
What two options are available when configuring a virtual flash resource on a virtual machine? (Choose two.)
A. Block Size
B. Limit
C. SCSI Controller
D. Reservation
Answer: BD
VMware 2V0-602 Exam is a popular Certification Test. We have prepared highest quality CertTree vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials for IT professionals to pass VMware Certification 2V0-602 Exam.Our vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials are prepared keeping in mind a beginner and don’t use complex wordings or terms. It is easy to pass your VMware 2V0-602 Exam in your first attempt using our vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials.
vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam 2V0-602 study materials from CertTree can help you best prepare for your test and it can help you pass your exam easily.
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