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Tips to Install Heating & Air Conditioning Thermostats
Narottam Kumbhar
Tips to Install Heating & Air Conditioning Thermostats
With air conditioners becoming more and more common, it just makes sense to incorporate both your heating and air conditioning controls into one thermostat. Newer thermostats offer many more options and greater control over the temperature than older models. Whether you are upgrading an older model or just replacing a broken thermostat, the process is not as difficult as it may seem at first. As with any electrical work, it takes a certain amount of patience, but it shouldn\’t be too much more difficult than replacing a light switch.
Removing the Old Thermostat
1. Turn off the electricity to the area of the house you\’ll be working on. Turn off the boiler, as well.
2. Remove your old thermostat\’s face plate. Unscrew the thermostat from the wall, without disconnecting any of the wires.
3. Note to which screws the terminals of the heating and cooling wires are connected. For a thermostat that connects to both heating and air conditioning, there will probably be four wires, two for each system. Label them with masking tape.
4. Disconnect the wires from their screw terminals and remove the old thermostat\’s wall plate.
Installing the New Thermostat
5. Screw the new thermostat\’s wall plate into place. If the screw holes do not match up with those that are already there, drill new holes.
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6. Hook the exposed ends of the wires around the appropriate screw terminal. Refer to your thermostat\’s manual to determine which screw terminal is which. You may need to take off a quarter inch or so of wire using your wire strippers, in order to expose enough bare wire.
7. Tighten the screw terminals until the wires are cinched into place.
8. Attach the thermostat to the wall plate. This process will differ depending on your particular model, but will probably involve either snapping the thermostat into place or screwing it into the wall plate.
9. Turn the electricity and the boiler back on.
Tips & Warnings
Be careful not to let the wires fall back behind the wall after you have removed the old thermostat. Consider taping them in place while you work.
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