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By Jessica A Parker
We all want to make the best decisions on the big things in life, and hiring a professional advisor will usually give you the best possible chance of doing so. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always turn out like this, and when you are given negligent advice or information on certain subject, it can cost you thousands. This is where professional negligence claims come in.
If a professional advisor, be it a solicitor, accountant, architect, surveyor, estate agent, barrister or financial advisor, has caused you to lose money, you may be able to make a professional negligence claim against them.
No win no fee professional negligence claims
The idea of making a claim may concern you – will it end up costing even more than you have already lost in time and money? In fact, it doesn’t have to. Thanks to no win no fee, you can recover your losses without having to pay out more money in legal fees.
The no win no fee system in the UK means that you can make a claim for professional negligence, such as a solicitor’s negligence claim, without having to pay anything if your claim is unsuccessful. And, if your claim is successful, you will normally be reimbursed for your solicitor’s fees and other legal costs by your opponent.
What constitutes ‘professional negligence’?
There are a large range of circumstances in which an advisor may be required to pay compensation as a result of professional negligence. Examples of situations where negligent advice can lead to financial losses include poor investment advice from a financial advisor and poor tax advice from an accountant.
Solicitor’s negligence
Sometimes, solicitors are the ones being claimed against for negligence. Situations in which a solicitor’s behaviour could lead to a solicitor’s negligence claim include the solicitor:
1. Missing a deadline and making your case harder to win
2. Failing to attend court hearings
3. Providing negligent advice which subsequently leads to a financial loss
4. Executing contracts, wills and deeds improperly
5. Failing to advise properly on a lease, where this has an effect on the property’s value
There are many other situations in which you may be able to claim solicitor’s negligence compensation. To find out if you are eligible it is sensible to gain expert advice on your particular case.
Am I eligible to claim for solicitor’s negligence?
To make a claim for solicitor’s negligence, you need to have been let down by your advisor in the last six years. You will also need to be able to show that you have suffered a loss as a result, and that the solicitor has done something wrong which led to this loss. Unfortunately it’s not enough to claim just for bad service.
Making a professional negligence claim
To make a professional negligence claim against your solicitor, you may need to provide details of your claim, including documents which show you have suffered a financial loss.
For more information on making a solicitor’s negligence claim, contact a specialist in professional negligence claims. They should be able to provide you with expert advice and information, as well as finding the right solicitor to take your claim on a no win no fee basis.
About the Author: YourDispute.co.uk offers free advice and information on professional negligence and solicitors negligence claims.
Source: isnare.com
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