By Chris McCombs
You may have invested a lot of time and a substantial amount of money in getting a personal training website up and running. But perhaps you are finding that it is not giving your personal training career the kind of boost that you thought it would. Well, do not immerse yourself in frustration, because the website can still provide the desired results only if you know how to make it work for you. Read on to find out more.
Personal training websites are not magic spells which can mint money for you on their own. You have to understand that just having a fancy website in your name, is not a guarantee of attracting clients and raising your profile as a personal trainer. But you can improve the contribution of your website to your business by trying out the following tips:
1. Since you are in the service business you should know that people only avail services from those who they can trust. Just by reading through your site, a person will not gain that trust. So, you can look to add an integrated blog into your website, with relevant content. This may provide you the perfect platform to showcase your expertise in the field of health and fitness and also build a rapport with your prospective clients.
However you should look to start a blog only if you can maintain a regular posting schedule. A blog which is rarely updated can be detrimental for your website.
2. Another great idea to spruce up your personal training website is to add an online workout section. You can make money by allowing people to access streaming video workout sessions from your website, in exchange for a fee. This can be very helpful for those people who want to train with you but cannot, because of time or convenience issues.
You can even let your existing clients access the videos for free in case they forget some steps of the workout.
3. A personal training website can also be your own marketplace. Here you can sell your e-books, instructional videos (in VHS, CD or DVD formats) and diet supplements or other health products online.
If you do not have anything of your own to sell, then you can even opt for hosting affiliate links on your site. When a visitor to your site clicks on an affiliate link, visits the affiliate site and makes a purchase, you get a commission. This is a great way to earn a passive income if you can avoid hosting links to poor quality products that can harm your image.
4. You can generate leads through your website by providing an opportunity for visitors to leave their email ids in case they want to receive newsletters from you. Email ids can be vital links of communication with prospective clients.
You can also save time and efforts in conducting useless meetings with clients who simply cannot afford to hire you, by providing a rough idea about how much you charge, in your website. So people who are looking for cheaper options will save their own time as well as yours.
Hopefully you will find these tips useful and will be able to get the best out of your personal training website soon!
About the Author: Chris McCombs has shown many personal trainers how to build great
personal training websites
to help bring in clients. Be sure to have
personal training insurance
and learn what coverages you need before you starting building your business!
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