Crossbow Hunting with Steve
The Other day I decided to go crossbow hunting, or as some might say, shopping. I needed, well, you name it, the whole nine yards.
I needed, a crossbow, a crossbow scope, bolts (or arrows), targets, broad heads for bow hunting, a quiver and anything else a beginning archer might need. I say beginning because in essence I am a beginner. I used a longbow as a youth some 50 years ago and really enjoyed it. So, I thought I might pick it up again but this time I thought I might pick up a crossbow. Local sporting goods store here I come. The Other day I decided to go crossbow hunting, or as some might say, shopping. I needed, well, you name it, the whole nine yards.
On the way to the store I realized it might be wise to establish a budget for my new hobby. I mean I don’t want to walk in to this store and drop $2 or $3 large on some equipment I’ve A. Never used before, B. I have no idea what the competition might be charging and C. I might be too old for this kind of thing. (63, just sayin) I solved the budget issue with my favorite tactic, procrastination. I would buy nothing tonight. Just crossbow hunting, get it? Ha ha. I checked out all the equipment including the crossbows, the scopes, bolts and tips, targets and quivers.
On the way home from the store I concluded that as far as a budget was concerned I should definitely have one. Crossbows ranged from $250 to $1,500. I’m sure you could spend more. If I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do this right and that means a scope. Scopes can range from $99 to $2500 and up. Some of them allow you to see in the dark and everything. How cool is that. Then there are the arrows or bolts in the case of crossbows. Aluminum are the best bang for your buck. Then you need practice arrow tips and hunting arrows with broadhead tips. These can run $100 for a few of each. Then you have targets to practice with, another $50. This new hobby isn’t cheap. But it doesn’t have to cost 2 or 3K to get started. If I got an inexpensive bow and scope, arrows, tips and targets I could be out on the range shooting for about 5 or $600. Not bad. Then when I get better I can upgrade. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Next stop, more shopping, but this time on the Web. My feet hurt. On the Web you can not only save wear and tear on your feet, you can get reliable information about the products you’re shopping for. In the store, unless you’re lucky and find an experienced crossbow hunter to wait on you you’re on your own.
If you’d like to do more crossbow hunting with Steve come to CrossbowScopesPlus.com. See more, learn more and buy more. Our prices and quality make all of our equipment money well spent.
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