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If you’ve been working out for any length of time you know that time spent in the gym can either bring tremendous results or be a complete waste of time and money. It’s truly a matter of focus and the goals you have set for yourself. If your goal is to build a perfectly proportioned body that will help you in all areas of your life, including attracting women, friends and the career of your choice, then you may want to consider a change of focus and begin using what we call the Adonis Index.
The Adonis Index came about out of a desire to come up with a formula for creating the perfect male physique. It is based upon what is known as the Golden Ratio, a mathematical formula developed centuries ago and used by the best artists and thinkers of the ages. The idea behind it is that there is a scientifically proven formula for creating the perfect male form, and the formula is expressed as 1:1.618.
This refers to the ratio of measurements of your waist and shoulders, based on your individual height. This can apply to someone of almost any age and enable him or her to become more closely aligned with the most perfect shape they can attain.
This kind of metamorphosis is achieved when this philosophy is applied to your workout and diet regimen, constantly moving you in the direction of the ideal Adonis Index proportions. The Adonis Index workout is mathematically designed to give you the perfect ratio of shoulder to waist proportion. No other type of training has this as its goal, not power lifting, bodybuilding, or sport specific training.
Since the beginning of time women have been drawn to a male form that possesses the perfect “V” shape, of broad shoulders tapering to a slim waist, with a muscular chest in between. Remove one of these components and the attraction can disappear. Also, removing excess body fat is key to making this type of attraction work. A broad shouldered man with a big gut just isn’t quite the same!
The Adonis Index program has three different workouts designed for people in different stages. They are called (1) Burn, (2) Build & Burn and (3) Build. Each program is a full twelve weeklong workout and nutrition system. To make this work for you, you need to follow the programs faithfully, and in truth, you’ll find that it really isn’t as hard as many other combination diet and workout programs you may have encountered. This one makes sense!
If your goal is to become as attractive as possible to women, all the while increasing your social dominance and enhancing your career, then you would be wise to consider giving the Adonis Index a try. The only thing you have to lose is a lot of unwanted fat and feelings of inadequacy!
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/exercise-articles/build-perfectly-proportioned-body-using-adonis-index-185888.html
About Author:
Men, want to learn more about how to get that classic V shape that women find so attractive? The Adonis Effect by John Barban can get you there. Jackie Burgmann is a Registered Weight Trainer and Registered Personal Trainer who also runs a popular fitness-oriented video blog using the pseudonym Girlwithnoname at her blog Girlwithnoname – Fitness At Home where she provides inspiration, motivation and Online Fitness Coaching.Author: Jackie Burgmann