Obesity and the Fat Acceptance Movement: Kira Nerusskaya speaks

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 Opinions rooted in racism, sexism, homophobia are commonly unacceptable to express in public or in polite company. Michael Richards shouted down a black heckler by yelling, “Shut up!” followed by “He’s a nigger!” and gave his already dormant career less of a chance of ever reviving. …

Category:Featured article

Shortcut:WN:FA Featured articles are selected by the community to represent the best of Wikinews. See the Featured Article Candidates page for nominations and discussions of candidate articles for this page. Or, subscribe to the RSS feed! [edit] Pages in category “Featured article” Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Featured_article&oldid=2870736”

Eyewitnesses challenge Egyptian state media impartiality in fatal protests

Thursday, October 13, 2011 With at least 24 dead, eye-witnesses to Sunday night’s protests in Egypt assert state-run media broadcast unreliable information, and incorrectly claimed Coptic protesters provoked military action. Challenging the official narrative provided by Egyptian state media channels, including Channel One and Nile News, blog reports and other …

Military plane crashes in Chilean Juan Fernández Archipelago; reports say no survivors

Sunday, September 4, 2011 Four people, including Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN) journalist Roberto Bruce Pruzzo, are confirmed dead after a Chilean military plane crashed near the Robinson Crusoe Island of the Juan Fernández Archipelago on Friday. Twenty-one people were aboard, with such figures as prominent Chilean television presenter and …